BRYAN, Texas — Daniel Stark Law has obtained a jury verdict of over $41 million in damages for its clients against a drunk driver and his employer. Jonathan Stark and Christopher Carver of Daniel Stark Law represented the plaintiffs in the case. On December 19, 2019, the defendant driver was intoxicated and failed to stop at a stop sign causing a collision with the plaintiffs. The Limestone County jury determined that the plaintiffs, a married couple who were catastrophically injured in the wreck, were entitled to damages for lifelong injuries and impairments. 

According to the defendant driver’s testimony at trial, he was intoxicated and blacked out just before entering the intersection and hitting the plaintiffs head-on. The plaintiffs were driving home together from work at the time of the wreck. Following the collision, both plaintiffs were rushed to local hospitals with life threatening injuries. The jury found that the defendant driver was in the course and scope of his employment at the time of the crash. The defendant company and its owner were held liable due to violations of multiple company procedures.  

The plaintiffs were afforded exceptional care by local medical authorities, including lifesaving emergency surgeries. However, both required months of medical care and assistance with their activities of daily living. As a result, neither were able to care for themselves nor each other and they had to be separated so family members could oversee their individual care. 

“With injuries this severe, quick action by medical providers is critical,” said Carver. “It was thanks to the EMS and hospital medical staff that our clients survived.” 

With this $41 million verdict, the Limestone County jury made it clear that drunk driving is not acceptable in its communities. “Although this time, our clients were affected, the victims could have been anybody. When an intoxicated driver drinks to the point of passing out, a wreck can happen to anyone on the road,” said Jonathan Stark, co-owner of Daniel Stark. “Our clients are fantastic people who didn’t ask for this. The jury wanted to make sure that the plaintiffs were heard and their verdict identified the full value of their losses.” 

The Daniel Stark legal team, on behalf of their clients and all of the citizens of Limestone County, are grateful to the jury for standing up against drunk driving and for considering the full value of the damages to the victims.

You can view news coverage on KBTX or KWTX.

About Daniel Stark: With a team of over 150 employees, Daniel Stark is a plaintiff’s personal injury firm dedicated to helping Texans recover from injuries caused by negligence. Founded by Danny Daniel and Jonathan Stark, the firm boasts a core purpose of protecting clients from getting screwed by big insurance. Daniel Stark has offices in North and South Austin, Bryan, Killeen, Waco, and Tyler.     

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