This year Daniel Stark released their first ever scholarship program. Our scholarship called ‘Average to Extraordinary’, is meant to assist the average student who, despite their average attributes, grades, and background, has proven that they are driven to achieve extraordinary results in life.
We are pleased to announce our very first scholarship winner – Marissa Landaverde!
Marissa is a junior at Alamo Heights High School in San Antonio, Texas. She struck us as the perfect person for this scholarship after she let us know that she always settled for C’s and D’s in school even though everyone around her continued to tell her that she could do better than that. They believed in her even when she didn’t believe in herself. After hearing so many people encourage her by telling her that she has it in her to be better, she decided to find that and push herself to not settle anymore. From then on, Marissa started bringing home A’s and B’s on her report card, and her mom couldn’t have been more proud. More importantly, Marissa was able to see in herself what everyone else saw and knew that she wouldn’t settle for average again.
Marissa hopes to go to nursing school after high school because she has a heart for helping others.  Whether this be in helping children in need, homeless people in her area, or even the environment by giving a hand to keep our planet clean, she wants to help people find the best in themselves to create a better society for everyone to live in.
In her spare time, Marissa enjoys reading and playing the violin, piano, and guitar. She appreciates that music creates an outlet for people to express themselves in a different way, which allows her to feel like she can understand others in a unique way.
Congratulations Marissa! We are proud that you will never again settle for average, and we are excited to hear about how your passions reach others in the future!
To learn more about our scholarship program or apply, please visit our website here. This scholarship will be awarded 4 times a year.