Each year, we award five deserving students $1,000 towards tuition through our Extraordinary Scholarship Program. This scholarship goes to students who overcome obstacles to achieve extraordinary results.  

Serenity, one of our 2024 Extraordinary Scholarship winners, grew up in Killeen, Texas. She expresses her deep appreciation for the diverse community that helped shape her values. Throughout high school, she explored her interests in debate and playing the violin in the school orchestra.  

Aside from her outstanding academic achievements, Serenity’s talent and determination made her a strong applicant. She embodied the values of Daniel Stark’s Extraordinary Scholarship by stepping out of her comfort zone to find her voice in debate.  

What Was the Turning Point for Serenity? 

When she was younger, Serenity struggled to express her thoughts and feelings. Watching her peers speak so boldly and fluently caused her to become self-conscious, isolated, and even quieter. 

She recalls, “The consequences were far-reaching, from having low confidence when playing violin to preventing myself from pursuing many leadership opportunities.” 

Her shyness was keeping her from reaching her full potential. However, when her timidness interfered with her ability to compete in Region Congress for Debate Club alongside her peers, she decided to make a change. 

How Did She Find Her Voice? 

Serenity was devastated that her inability to speak out got in the way of her passion for debate. When a spot opened up in the competition, she had another chance to prove herself and was determined to give it her all. 

Practicing every day, even on weekends and holidays, became her new routine. Mock trials were drawn up, and she would practice delivering them to family or an imaginary audience.  

Serenity says, “The hardest part wasn’t writing 40 pieces, but proving to myself I could confidently deliver them.” 

Building up the courage to practice in front of her teammates was a significant milestone. Despite her nervousness, she reminded herself to stand tall, stay confident, and maintain eye contact. Once she delivered her final word, a sigh of relief fell over her. Her team praised her for her performance, saying it was the best they had heard all day. 

What Was the Payoff? 

Through her peers’ kind words, her confidence grew, and she carried that with her throughout the competition. Despite her nerves, she was able to fight through her anxieties.  

Serenity excelled in the competition and was awarded a medal for her performance, placing fourth in the district. This earned her spot in the state Congress Debate competition and raised her confidence level tremendously. 

“While I still jumble my words occasionally, these mistakes no longer have the power to silence my voice,” Serenity shares.  

What’s Next for Serenity? 

Serenity will be attending the University of Texas at Austin to study biomedical engineering. She looks forward to becoming part of the unique culture of Austin, Texas. She is excited to be a part of the community, make friends, build relationships, and attend UT Longhorn football games.  

“I feel like I have the freedom to explore and make mistakes – that’s what college is about. There’s not as much pressure to be perfect,” Serenity says. 

After graduation, Serenity plans to make a difference in the medical field. Her goal is to create medical devices for those who need them and make quality medical care more accessible for everyone.  

Good luck in your educational journey, Serenity. We know you’ll do remarkable things. 

Congratulations to our 2024 Extraordinary Scholarship Winners.  

Daniel Stark will begin accepting another round of applications beginning early 2025.  

If you are interested in applying, visit DanielStark.com.