Picture this: You were just in a car accident. Through the chaos and shock, you are struggling to recall what exactly happened. 

Fortunately, the odds are that someone else saw the accident. Millions of people travel on Texas roads every day. Whether it be a fellow driver or a local business, there are usually other people around to witness the accident.  

Witness statements are an important part of filing an insurance claim, having your property damage or medical bills paid for, and getting your life back to normal. 

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, here is how to collect witness statements.  

Why Do Witness Statements Matter? 

Witness statements are testimonies from third parties that saw the event unfold without being directly involved. These statements are an important part of explaining the events of an accident. 

Their objective perspective can add credibility to your claims. These statements are important because witnesses can: 

  • Provide an unbiased recount of the accident. 
  • Recall specific details that those involved might overlook due to stress. 
  • Provide multiple statements that can corroborate your account, providing a solid foundation for your case. 

How Do I Find a Witness? 

Finding a witness does not always have to be difficult. How you find witnesses depends on whether you can talk to them right after your injury or not.  

Option #1 – Collecting Witness Statements and Contact Information on Scene 

If you did not suffer severe injuries, you may be able to collect witness statements while you are on scene.  

  • Survey the area for any drivers or pedestrians that may have seen the accident.  
  • Approach the individuals and politely ask if they are willing to give a statement on what they saw.  
  • Record their statement and collect their name, phone number, and email address.  
  • If a police officer responded to the accident, they will be able to help you gather witness statements. 

Option #2 – Gathering Information After the Accident 

If you suffered serious injuries from the accident, you may have to seek medical attention immediately and will not be able to collect witness statements until after you have been treated. 

  • Return to the scene and visit nearby businesses or residences. Security cameras may have captured the accident. 
  • Reach out to the public through social media. Often, witnesses will come forward if they see a call for help. 
  • Collect public records. If police were dispatched to the scene of the accident, they would likely have witness statements in their reports. You can request a copy of the police report to identify any witnesses present during the accident.  

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help?  

Collecting witness statements on your own can feel overwhelming. That’s one of the many reasons why hiring a qualified personal injury attorney significantly improves your case. A personal injury attorney can help you: 

  • Identify witnesses 
  • Conduct professional interviews with witnesses 
  • Document statements completely and accurately 
  • Pair evidence with witness statements to build your case 

An attorney’s dedication to their clients, combined with their expertise, can make a significant difference in the outcome of your claim. 

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact an Austin, Texas, personal injury attorney. They can help you gather the information you need for a claim and will support you every step of the way.