Killeen, Texas, is a bustling town. It’s filled with hardworking military personnel and civilians who are always on the move. Unfortunately, more traffic tends to lead to more crashes. In 2023 alone, the Killeen Police Department responded to over 900 car crashes with nearly a third resulting in injuries. One dangerous spot is the intersection of I-14 and Fort Hood Road, where 80 crashes were reported in 2022. 

For active military members, life doesn’t pause whether you’re on or off base. If you’ve been injured in an accident, you can file a personal injury claim, and the process isn’t much different from civilian claims. Here’s how to file a personal injury claim while on active duty. 

Seek Medical Treatment 

After an injury, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor right away. Military members may be hesitant to see a doctor for injuries that seem to be bumps and bruises, but a doctor can give you a full examination to ensure there aren’t more serious internal injuries. 

It’s crucial to fully understand the extent of your injuries before you seek compensation. Without consulting with a doctor, you may not realize the severity of your injuries. Once you accept an offer from the insurance, your case is closed forever. 

Document the Scene 

If you’re able, try to take pictures of the damage to your vehicle, the other vehicle, and your injuries. Collect the other driver’s name, insurance, and contact information. If there are witnesses, collect their names and contact information, as well. This evidence is important in proving how the crash happened.  

If you can’t collect the information at the scene, that’s okay. Getting immediate treatment should be your top priority. If there’s a police officer on the scene, they can help gather this information for you in their report of the incident.  

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney 

It’s a common misconception that your insurance company has to be one of the first people you call after a car crash, but this isn’t always the case. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, contact a Killeen, Texas, personal injury attorney. They can help guide you through talking to the insurance companies. 

If you’re on active duty, you may be concerned that you’ll be deployed during your claim process. A personal injury attorney can fight for an extension of the statute of limitations while you’re deployed to ensure you will still get full value for your injury. 

File a Claim 

With the help of your attorney, file a claim with your insurance company. Remember that you never have to talk to the other insurance company. Allow your personal injury attorney to handle those conversations. 

Your personal injury attorney will expertly guide you through the negotiation process. It’s important to never accept a settlement that doesn’t feel right or that you disagree with. Rest assured, your attorney will advocate fiercely on your behalf to ensure you receive full compensation you deserve for your injury. 

If you’re on active duty and were injured in an accident, contact a qualified personal injury attorney to get your life back on track.