Austin, Texas, is known for its live music, unique culture, and, unfortunately, crazy traffic. If you live in Austin or are a daily commuter, you’re no stranger to peak traffic hours. At those times of day, it feels impossible to get anywhere!  

As Austin traffic rises, so do car crashes. Here’s how to stay safe during Austin’s peak traffic hours.  

Plan Ahead and Leave Early 

Leaving early sounds like an obvious solution, but it really works! Sometimes, leaving just 20 minutes early can be the difference between a relaxing sunrise drive and a frustrating traffic jam. Even if you can’t leave early enough to beat the traffic, giving yourself some extra time to get to your destination reduces the risk of feeling the need to speed or drive recklessly. 

Know Your Route 

Familiarize yourself with your route and explore alternative routes that may allow you to avoid congested areas. There’s no worse feeling than driving in heavy traffic areas and realizing your exit is coming quickly. If this does happen, don’t try to dart across lanes of traffic to make your exit. Consider an alternative route or find a safe place to exit and turn around. 


Share your ride or catch a ride when you can! Carpooling is a way to reduce congestion on the road. While one or two people carpooling won’t solve all traffic issues, every effort to reduce congestion on Austin roadways counts. 

Avoid Distractions 

Avoiding distractions while driving is always important. However, when you are in heavy traffic, it is even more crucial to stay completely focused. Fender benders can happen in an instant. Stay off your phone and be aware of your surroundings. Follow vehicles from a safe distance and be aware of other drivers rapidly braking.  

Drive Courteously 

Road rage is a serious epidemic in Austin, Texas. In high-stress situations, stay level-headed and remain calm. Always leave a reasonable amount of space between you and other vehicles. If other vehicles are attempting to pass you, safely move to the far-right lane and allow them to pass.  

Always practice safe driving, especially in high-traffic areas. If you have been injured in a crash, contact a qualified personal injury attorney to get your life back on track.