Meet Casey Kelly, an attorney team lead at Daniel Stark.  

Casey’s hard work and dedication to his clients have made him an essential part of our team. He fights tirelessly to get his clients the full value for their injuries. These characteristics have allowed him to successfully work on some of our most complex cases – including our recent 41-million-dollar verdict

Born and raised in Slidell, Louisiana, Casey took pride in his involvement in high school organizations. Throughout high school, he enjoyed performing in theater productions, especially musicals. 

He also swam competitively but didn’t limit his water activities to the pool. As such, he enjoys boating, knee boarding, tubing, and just being on the water as much as he can. Casey also loves time in the snow. He jokes, “if money were no object, I would love to live in a ski town and just bum it up in the mountains.” 

Casey graduated from UT Austin in 2012 with his bachelor’s degree in political communications. He attended South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas, and graduated in 2015. 

With his dad being in the oil and gas industry, Casey had heard a story about an oil rig getting hit by a barge. The legal consequences that followed interested him, so he began to pursue a niche in admiralty and maritime law.  

After a clerkship with a firm representing cruise lines, he realized that being involved in insurance defense was not where he wanted to be. He then started a career in family law, where he spent the first several years of his practice and gained an incredible reputation. 

In October 2020, unsatisfied with family law and considering quitting the practice of law altogether, Casey took a break. He obtained a real estate license and spent several months as a realtor.  

However, he missed being a lawyer. When the opportunity to work for Daniel Stark arose in June 2021, it felt like destiny. Casey recalls thinking, “This is something special, this is where I need to be, this is what I want to do… and the stars aligned.” 

It was here that Casey finally felt at home. He says the best part about his job is making a difference in his clients’ lives. He states, “Every client has a story, every story has value.” 

Outside of the office, Casey enjoys hitting the gym, catching a movie, and going to dinner with his friends. He also enjoys time outdoors – hanging out on the lake and pushing the limits in new adventures with his partner.  

Reflecting on his journey, Casey is most proud of his growth as an attorney, moving from an associate to a team lead. He credits his parents for their positive impact, describing them as hardworking individuals who instilled in him the value of doing the right thing. 

Thanks for all you do, Casey! Your hard work and dedication to our clients don’t go unnoticed.