Meet Tadarious Hawkins, an attorney at Daniel Stark. 

Tadarious grew up in Commerce, Texas, immersed in the rural charm of small-town country living, where he worked with cattle on his great grandfather’s and friend’s farms. As a child and into his young adult years, he was involved in different sports – mainly baseball – but even tried MMA for a short time. 

He attended college in Arkansas at Henderson State University on a baseball scholarship studying pre-law. Initially, he aspired to become a sports agent, so he pursued a master’s degree in public sports administration. After receiving his degree, he attended law school at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Unfortunately, the financial hurdles of becoming a sports agent redirected him from this path. 

Tadarious has experienced a wide array of roles within the legal field. While some aspects weren’t his favorite, they provided invaluable insights. For instance, he worked in a plaintiff firm largely focusing on wage and hour cases, where he often had to fight businesses for their wrongdoing.  Later, he transitioned to the defense sector, protecting business interests and having to defend clients that, in some situations, were knowingly in the wrong. 

He eventually grew tired of defending big businesses who were only interested in saving money. His wife, Myranda, was already working for Daniel Stark and had been in the personal injury field for a while. He enjoyed seeing the impact she had on her clients, and this encouraged him to make the transition to personal injury to really help people. 

He joined the Daniel Stark team in 2022. Tadarious believes that the firm’s dedication to understanding each client’s unique story significantly enhances relationships with our clients. Clients rarely understand that the impact of the injury is just as valuable as the injury itself. He enjoys showing clients that their unique story holds significance in their case. 

Tadarious says that one of the most rewarding parts of his job is proving insurance adjusters wrong and securing full policy limits for his clients. He loves to witness the gratitude of the client, finally realizing that going through treatments and trusting the legal process was well worth it.  

Today, Tadarious is dedicated to his clients’ well-being, stressing that his ultimate goal is to ensure they reach 100% recovery. He emphasizes the importance of educating our clients on how insurance companies work and consistently advises his clients to listen to their doctors and attorneys and trust that they are working towards the best interest of the client. 

Outside of the office, Tadarious is still involved in sports, occasionally playing slow-pitch softball and ruling the court with the Daniel Stark volleyball team. However, the majority of his time is dedicated to his family. He cherishes time with his daughter, Penelope, who at three and a half feet tall, is already making her mark on him and the world. 

Tadarious shares that his wife, Myranda, has had the most significant positive impact on his life. She helped him move away from a mindset where conflict was the default resolution method and helped him find a better path for himself. 

Daniel Stark is blessed to have Tadarious on our side. His background, combined with his unwavering commitment to his clients, makes him a passionate advocate, continuously striving to make a positive impact in the lives of his clients.