Shopping around for an attorney is a daunting task. You only have one shot to get it right, and you want to make sure you are choosing an attorney who will listen, care, and add value to your case.  

With countless qualified personal injury attorneys in Texas, it’s essential to find the right fit for your unique needs. Here’s what sets Daniel Stark apart from the rest, so you can decide if we are the best choice for you. 

1. Trained Support Team 

We know how frustrating it can be when you’re injured and need to reach an attorney for help with compensation, only to find it difficult to get someone on the phone. 

When you call Daniel Stark to potentially open a case, you won’t get an automated system or wait on hold forever until someone can make it to the phone. We have an entire New Client Team ready and available to answer your call. These are real people located in our DS offices throughout Texas, so you don’t have to deal with those pesky automated answering systems. 

Our New Client Team members are trained and equipped to answer any questions you may have. Even if they don’t know the answer right away, they will find someone who does.  

2. Attorney Team Structure 

In personal injury law, collaboration is crucial. At Daniel Stark, we go above and beyond to explore all avenues of your case and provide the best representation possible. 

Unlike traditional firms where you may only have one attorney working on your case, at Daniel Stark, we use Big Case Review. Several experienced professionals will meet together to discuss your case and decide how to move forward. In some cases, that’s over 100 years of legal experience combined working together to get you full value for your injury.  

Our attorney teams allow us to have better ideas, better strategies, and most importantly, better results for our clients. 

3. Extensive Resources 

We’ve spent over 20 years building the resources that our clients need to get the full value of their injuries. Here are some examples. 

Daniel Stark employs private investigators to gather the evidence our clients need to build their case. From finding a defendant who is trying to hide to collecting security cam footage of the incident, we will make sure the liable party takes responsibility for your injuries. 

We know the best doctors in Texas who give our clients the best care. This helps them recover and get their lives back to normal. 

Injuries aren’t always physical. Your feelings and mental health matter. We offer our clients an opportunity to speak with Life Impact Analyst, Dawson Skow. His job is to get to know our clients and how their injuries have affected their lives, so their attorney can build a fair case. 

4. Attentive Service 

After an injury, your top priority should be your health and getting your life back to normal. We take care of the legal work so that you can focus on your recovery. 

Your attorney can help schedule your doctor’s appointments and manage your follow-up visits. We’ll check in with you regularly to make sure you’re doing well, focusing on your recovery, and staying up to date on your case.  

We will also handle conversations with the insurance company, negotiate on your behalf, and move your case forward, when necessary. Don’t worry, they will get your approval before accepting or declining settlement offers. You will always have the final say. 

5. Unique Approach 

For a lot of law firms, a case’s value is largely determined by numbers on a piece of paper – like medical bills or lost wages. However, your case is more than that.  

At Daniel Stark, we believe every client’s story is unique. Our dedicated attorneys take the time to listen, ensuring we understand your personal experiences and challenges, so we can advocate for you with genuine empathy and unwavering commitment.  

Daniel Stark takes a unique approach to telling the facts of a case. We have attorneys who are trained in the art of narration to help a judge and jury understand who you are as a person and how this injury has changed your life.  

If you’ve been injured and are ready to take the next step, we invite you to schedule a call with one of our experienced attorneys. Together, we can explore your options and start the process of securing the justice you deserve.