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Blog Category: About Daniel Stark

Read the Latest Information, Articles, & Resources to Support You on Your Road to Recovery

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Why Every Law Firm Should Implement a Proven Process

At Daniel Stark, we are committed to protecting injured members of our community and getting our clients’ lives back to normal. Without a consistent legal strategy, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the outcomes our clients need.  We’ve developed a “Proven Process,” our client-centered approach that aims to improve the overall client experience and inform

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Exploring Austin: The Daniel Stark Way

Looking for an exciting day out or a delicious meal? Austin has something for everyone! As locals, we’ve explored South Austin and complied a list of our favorite activities. Whether you’re an Austin resident or just visiting, our guide will help you discover the city’s best spots. Let’s dive in! Our Favorite Restaurants in South

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Embracing Technology & Innovation  

It’s no secret that the legal field can feel stagnant when it comes to technology. Lawyers are historically slow to change and innovate, but not at Daniel Stark. We love technology, and we love innovating. Not only does it allow us to provide a better experience for our clients and our team, but it flat-out

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Quarterly Planning Image

Q3 2022 Daniel Stark Quarterly Planning

Every three months we get our entire team together to set our priorities and discover better ways to serve our clients, and we have a good time while doing it! This quarter we gave out core value awards to four deserving team members, played an intense game of musical chairs, and watched attorney Zachary Tritico

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A Smarter 2017

The SMART acronym is a concept many people are familiar with, but do not apply to their personal goal setting. Goal setting is a difficult process.

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