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Blog Category: Auto Accident

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Drunk Driving Image

Why is driving during winter so dangerous?

In December of 2021, there were 372 fatal crashes on Texas roads. That’s 372 too many. December was the third most deadly month on Texas roads last year. While we’re accustomed to harsh summers and 100+ temperatures in this part of the country, very few of us have experience driving in winter conditions. Let’s look

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Drunk Driving Image

Why does drunk driving increase during the holidays?

The holiday season is in full swing. Roads are crowded with people visiting loved ones, gathering decorations, or shopping for the perfect gift. Sadly, we share these roads with people who make the selfish choice to drink and drive. Each year, drunk driving and DUI arrests increase during the holidays. Let’s look at some of

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Night Crash Image

5 Things You Should Do on the Scene of a Crash 

Whether you’re involved in a fender bender or a catastrophic wreck, the moments after a crash are critical. You may be injured. Your adrenaline is pumping. Your mind is racing. You’re trying to figure out what happened. It can feel like complete chaos.   People often leave the scene of a wreck wishing they had

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Crash Report Image

How to Get Your Crash Report After a Wreck 

If you’ve been in a crash, there’s a single document that could be critical to your case – a crash report. Let’s look at what a crash report is, why it’s important, and how to get one after your wreck.   What is a crash report?   A crash report is a document prepared by the investigating

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The Jaws of Life Image

The Jaws of Life®: A Quick Overview

The Jaws of Life® is a critical piece of equipment for firefighters all over the world. It is used to pry open cars after a wreck, freeing people who are trapped inside. But how does it work? And why is it so important? Here’s everything you should know about these incredible tools. What are the

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Car Accident Image

Is My Child’s Car Seat Safe?

The most dangerous thing in your child’s life is probably not what you realized – your vehicle. For 20 years, motor vehicle crashes have been the leading cause of death for children. Tragically, more than 500 children are injured in auto crashes every single day. Thankfully, many of these injuries can be prevented by proper car

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