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Blog Category: Personal Injury Law

Read the Latest Information, Articles, & Resources to Support You on Your Road to Recovery

Personal Injury Image

What is a personal injury claim?

When you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, filing a personal injury claim can help you get your life back to normal. A personal injury claim is a legal process that allows victims to hold the responsible party accountable for their actions and recover damages resulting from an injury. Understanding the

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Attorney's Fees Image

Attorney’s fees are now recoverable for UM/UIM cases under CPRC 37.009

Advocating for attorney’s fees on behalf of clients is crucial as it compels and incentivizes insurance carriers to honor valid claims. As of 2021, if an individual files an uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) case as a declaratory judgment action under Texas law, they are now eligible to plead and collect attorney’s fees as an additional avenue of

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Service Dogs Image

How should you treat service dogs in public?

They say that dogs are man’s best friend, but service dogs take that to a whole new level. Service dogs are specially trained to be able to personally assist people with dissabilities. These incredible animals will undergo months, sometimes, years of training to be able to specifically aid their owner in living a safer and

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Premises Liability Laws Image

What are Premises Liability Laws?

Have you ever been to a theme park and had to sign a waiver? Maybe you’ve applied for insurance for your land and noticed that the price goes up if you own a trampoline or pool. If so, you’ve experienced premises liability laws. Let’s dig into what these laws are and how they work. What

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Tort Image

What is a tort?

Few people that haven’t gone to law school use the word “tort.” You may have never even heard of it. Although not a part of most people’s vocabulary, torts happen all around us every single day. Let’s learn what exactly torts are and how they work in our legal system. What does “tort” mean? A

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Punitive Damages Image

Compensatory vs Punitive Damages

Have you ever heard of punitive damages? Probably not. How about compensatory? Not likely. Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick overview of the different types of damages in a lawsuit. What are “damages?” When someone files a civil lawsuit, they are almost always seeking some type of compensation for what they claim

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