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Blog Category: Personal Injury Law

Read the Latest Information, Articles, & Resources to Support You on Your Road to Recovery

Who is responsible for your injuries in a pileup crash? 

Determining who’s at fault in a pileup crash during winter weather can be incredibly challenging, especially when multiple vehicles are involved. Winter conditions on Texas roads often lead to severe collisions, causing significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens for victims.   You might be wondering who should be held accountable for the losses that result from

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How can you overcome burnout after an injury?

Recovering from an injury can be a daunting task, both physically and emotionally. It’s normal to experience traumatic stress following a disturbing event, like a traffic collision or severe injury. However, dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event while trying to get back to your normal routine can feel overwhelming. As a car wreck

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What Every Texan Needs to Know About Winter Pile Ups

Over the years, freezing temperatures and ice storms have brought many Texas communities to a standstill. During these severe weather events, roads and bridges become extremely hazardous, posing significant dangers to drivers. Unfortunately, Texas’ infrastructure was not designed to withstand these icy conditions, raising concerns about the state’s ability to effectively handle such weather events. Here’s what

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Which safety features should be non-negotiable for all drivers?

When it comes to standard safety features, there are several that every driver needs. Many of these features are now mandated by the government and can greatly decrease your chances of suffering severe injuries. While many of these features are standard in new cars, they may not be available in older models. Make sure your

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How do poor weather conditions impact road safety? 

Texas is known for its warm climate throughout the year. However, severe weather poses frequent dangers on the road.   Whether it’s thunderstorms, snow, fog, or tornadoes, Texans must navigate many types of weather conditions that significantly increase the risk of car crashes – especially in big cities like Austin, Texas.  Here’s what you need to

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Here’s 8 Strategies to Conquer Driving Anxiety

Did you know that nearly 66% of Americans experience driving anxiety on the road? Whether you’re a new driver or have years of experience on the road, driving anxiety is a common challenge for many Americans. It goes beyond simple nervousness and can become a substantial hurdle that limits people’s ability to live freely.  If you’re someone who experiences

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